
Barcolana 2024

Trieste, Sun 13/10/2024

Barcolana 2024

The Barcolana takes place every year in the Gulf of Trieste on the second Sunday of October. The special formula that distinguishes it makes it a unique event in international sailing scene: on a single start line in fact find themselves competing alongside professional sailors and enthusiasts, on boats of various sizes that are divided into categories depending on the length over all.
The race takes place over a distance of about 15 miles to the fixed markers, a quadrilateral with the starting line between the Miramare Castle and the headquarters of the Sailing Club of Barcola and Grignano and the finish line located in the sea area in front of Piazza Unità of Italy.


The best place to watch the Barcolana

From all the Strada Napoleonica, which runs from the village parking San Nazzario near Prosecco, until the pitch of the Obelisco in Opicina (long trail about 3.7 km); view from above with splendid views of Trieste and its gulf. From here you can take the tram and get off along the shores to enjoy the arrival.

You can go in via Bonomea where, at the intersection with Via Bruni, you take the classic photo of the Barcolana with views of the Faro della Vittoria.

Under the Faro della Vittoria along the Strada del Friuli are interesting views to follow the start (the cannon shot from the Club del Gommone kicks off the competition at 10.30).

From Miramare Castle you can see the turns before the last board.

To enjoy face-offs on the first mark, the only choice is Muggia Alta (Salita Muggia Vecchia, square in front of the Santa Maria Assunta church).
